
    成都优普电子产品有限公司,拥有一批高素质的科研技术人才、专业的生产队伍,公司专业研发、生产工业EDI电除盐超纯水设备、实验室专用超纯水器、医疗保健磁化水机、医疗生化超纯水机、医院供应室专用无菌水机、实验室中央供水系统、民用桶装纯净水设备、软水设备,本着“科技、创新、强化管理,精益求精,铸造品质”的经营管理理念,开发了环保行业、水工业设备、医疗超纯水设备、超纯水储存新型容器系列产品。公司秉承“战略专业化、服务灵活化"的经营方针,以做国产精品,替代进口产品,全面开拓国内市场的战略决策, 并为各行业提供高纯度的超纯水制造系统。UP公司与世界著名水工业配套企业及国内知名企业有多年的合作历程,建立了强劲的合作关系。产品质量可靠, 超纯水水质稳定无污染。高品质的UP产品可满足国内各科研所、高等院校、军工、航天、生物、化学、制药、环保、医院、卫生、电力、冶金、食品、饮料、农、林、水等领域,为其实验室提供专业的纯水、超纯水解决方案和设备。    

Company Profile

Chengdu YouPu Technology Co.,Ltd has a number of high-quality talent and a professional manufacturing team. The company specializes in R&D and production of industrial EDI ultrapure water purifier, laboratory ultrapure water purifier, medical care magnetic water devices, medical and biochemical ultrapure water purifier, hospital supply room-specific sterile water purifier, laboratory central water-supply system, Civil bottled water equipment, water softening equipment. Operating with the management philosophy of “technology, innovation, strengthening management, keep improving and casting quality,” YouYue develops environmental protection and industrial water equipment, mecical ultrapure water device, new storage container series products for ultrapure water. The company adheres to the management principle of “Specialized Strategy and Flexible Service” and specializes in domestic high-qulity products to replace the imported products. it fully explore strategic policies to develop domestic market and provides with high-purity ultrapure water manufacturing system for variour industries. YouYue Company has cooperated several decades and established strong partnership with world-renowned water industry supporting enterprises and domestic famous enterprises. It provides reliable quality products with stable and pollution-free ultrapure water. YouYue’s high-quality products can satisfy laboratory equipment supporting and analytical use for scientific research, monitoring, biology, medicine, electronics, chemicals, high-precision material and other industries.


  • CMP人机界面高端超纯水器系列(产水量5-20L/h)
  • CMPL人机界面高端超纯水器系列(带打印机功能)(产水量40-100L/h)
  • CMPW以蒸馏水/RO纯水/去离子水为源水,触摸屏式高端超纯水器系列
  • UPT经济型超纯水器系列(产水量5-100L/h)
  • UPH标准型超纯水器系列(产水量5-100L/h)     
  • UPW以蒸馏水/RO纯水/去离子水为源水超纯水器系列(产水量5-100L/h)
  • UPR双级反渗透工艺+中间水箱超纯水机系列(产水量5-80L/h)
  • UPE中央供水系统超纯水器, (产水量40-1000L/h)
  • UPQL实验室大流量超纯水器(产水量100-500L/h)
  • UPS医疗生化仪专用超纯水器, (产水量40-100L/h)
  • YY-WW多功能机(分析用水+饮用温水)(产水量40-100L/h)
  • YY-RO超纯水设备, (产水量500-100T/h)
  • YY-3软化水设备(过水量500-100T/h)

专    业:唯专业才能做得更好;
创    新:不断为客户提供新的价值;
诚    信:重质量、严管理,确保优质的产品、优惠政策;
服    务:人才是公司之本,服务为企业生存之源。                                      


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